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- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) /
- Employees
Dansani wants to create the framework for a high level of job satisfaction and we have a real focus on employee's health and well-being. This happens by maintaining high safety standards in the occupational health and safety environment, caring for the individual and making special efforts to increase health and safety at the company by, among other things, providing health insurance to all employees, working to reduce the number of occupational accidents, limiting the use of chemicals and promoting physical and mental well-being.
From value based opinions to socialLY responsible actions

Our goal is to
- Be a workplace for current and new employees who like to work here because of the things we do and the way we do things.
Follow Danish and international laws concerning labour and employee rights. Dansani support the UN Global Compact Strategy regarding labour.
To offer a safe, healthy and inspiring environment for labour to maintain and attract qualified and engaged employees.
Continuously develop the professional and personal skills of our employees.
Treat our employees fairly and do our best to ensure that decisions regarding employment, salary and termination are based on relevant and objective criteria.
Strive to create a diverse working place where the employees have different skills and unique qualities. We do not tolerate discrimination or harassment because of religion, race, colour, gender, age, sexual orientation or political conviction.
Treat applicants with the highest respect and confidentiality, and we will not discriminate against them on the basis of the information they give us, and we make an effort not to ask questions that can be perceived as discriminatory.

Dansani’s initiatives for a PLEASANT working environment and employee satisfaction
We practice an employee policy which emphasis job satisfaction, care for the individual, well-being, health, safety and social responsibility.
We focus on diversity in our employee composition, as we believe diversity creates value both internally and externally. We focus on diversity with regards to competencies, educational background, nationality, age and gender and always choose the best suited candidate for the job.
All employees are invited to an annual employee appraisal interview, drawing up a personal action plan for the coming period.
All new employees are undergoing an introductory course in the company, to ensure a positive start to new tasks, introduction to the company's strategy and values, as well as a general review of our organisation and employee handbook.
We comply with the Working Environment Act and in our workplace risk assessment (APV), which is performed at least every three years, we map both the physical and mental working environment. The APV is used to map, prioritise and solve workplace problems.
Our working environment organisation (AMO) is represented by members from both the production and the administration departments. All members have undergone the statutory occupational safety and health education program. AMO holds four annual meetings, one annual working environment discussion and three safety inspection rounds.
The consideration for the working environment is built into our premises in Haderslev - e.g. in the form of floor coverings that protect the impact on legs and feet, many and large windows with plenty of natural light to provide good daytime rhythm and temperature controlled production facilities to prevent disease.
We constantly work to minimise noise in both our production and administration departments and have developed guidelines to minimise noise in open office spaces.
We have written guidelines on how we handle stress and how we can prevent stress and stress-related problems in our daily work.
We support health promotion activities.
The food in our canteen is purchased and cooked according to the principles of healthy nutrition. We aim to reduce food waste by focusing on the amount of food we prepare and recycle food leftovers as much as possible
We have a smoking policy where smoking is not permitted indoors.
We support a balance between work and privacy. If there is a need for it, the company offers a helping hand in the form of flexible working hours, reduced time, leave, or, if possible, teleworking.
There are monthly staff meetings where employees are regularly informed of the company status, the market and other matters.
We take a joint study trip annually to seek professional inspiration and strengthen our unity.
We provide support for work clothes and safety shoes to all employees in the production areas.