Create atmosphere in the bathroom

The accessories are the extra benefits of your bathroom. As either a finishing touch to the design or to optimise the layout but always to ease the use of the bathroom in everyday life. Bathroom ideas on how to mix & match accessories in your design can be found here.

  • Interior design

  • Style

Create atmosphere with your lighting

Integrated lighting gives a better overview and creates atmosphere

You can choose comfortable LED lighting in the drawers to both create atmosphere and make your drawers inviting. The light strip is angled at 45º to provide optimal lighting in the drawer while also not shining directly into your eyes. Add lighting when you choose a vanity unit.

Integrated LED lighting can also be added to mirror cabinets and side cabinets so you can get a better overview of your belongings. Find things without turning on the main bathroom light. Add lighting when you order your cabinet.

Soft shape

The round shape of the new Bright light is on-trend with current styles for soft shapes, and the really clever thing is that the same light can be used as a mirror, wall or pendant light.

Shine QUALITY light on all activities in your bathroom

Light plays an important role in our health and well-being, and it is proven that good lighting increases our quality of life.
In the bathroom good quality lighting is extra important, especially when applying your make-up. No woman wants to put on make-up which looks perfect in the mirror but appears totally different in daylight. As a man you want to be sure that your shave is perfect.

Therefore, it is important to choose the best lighting not only for the mirrors and mirror cabinets, but also for the rest of the bathroom. To create the perfect lighting solution in your bathroom with optimal lighting conditions you can choose pendants, spots and ceiling lights matching the lights on the mirrors and mirror cabinets.

See more about lighting