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Dansani has a focus in all areas on business-driven social responsibility. Right from our choice of raw materials and suppliers, our internal processes and the social working environment in the company to delivering products.

Social Responsibility
We have a formulated environmental policy that we comply with in our efforts to minimise environmental and climate impact. Based on the statement that many small streams make a big river, we strive to act environmentally and socially responsible in both large and small measures.
At all of our workplaces, we consider the working environment and social well-being to be of the highest importance. At Dansani we focus on human diversity and difference.

Our goal is to
To drive a corporate socially responsible business.
Be a good partner, which both consumers and retailers can choose with confidence.
Take responsibility for the community around us.
Be a workplace where our employees thrive and are proud to work. It provides increased job satisfaction and therefore high product quality.
Focus on increasing local employment through growth.
Create a dynamic working environment and attract qualified employees in our region.
Be committed both nationally and locally through various sponsorships.

Dansani’s actions to drive a socially responsible business
We support the educational system and cooperate with educational institutions both nationally and locally by offering students trainee programs and internships.
We take our responsibility to bring young people into the labour market and annually offer students trainee programs within sales, administration, purchasing, warehouse, etc. as well as the opportunity to complete the final educational thesis within our company.
We take active responsibility to integrate ethnic minorities and people who have difficult conditions in the labour market, e.g. people with reduced working capacity.
At Dansani we have room for different religions and opinions. As a business, we are neutral in terms of religion. We are divided into 11 different nationalities of 180 employees.
We are involved in the local community

Anti-corruption policy & financial ethical code of conduct
Dansani is an international operating company. Our staff are in contact with numerous public and private organisations, customers and other counterparts all over the world. Dansani supports the international fight against corruption.

Zero tolerance towards corruption and financial crime
At Dansani, we are determined to maintain the highest standards of integrity and work ethics among our staff and across all areas of activity.
Our Anti-Corruption Policy and its Code of Conduct are applicable to all staff working in Dansani and its subsidiaries. Its purpose is to ensure, and support behaviour and work ethics characterised by high standards of personal and organisational integrity, both internally and externally with our many different partners.
Our Anti-Corruption Policy provides guidance to staff on their required conduct when confronted with corruption, corrupt practices or corrupt propositions, and when working to prevent corruption.

What is corruption?
Corruption is defined as the misuse of entrusted power for private gain. It affects everyone whose life, livelihood or happiness depends on the integrity of people in a position of authority, it threatens the stability and security of societies, and it undermines democratic institutions and values.
This definition corresponds to the concept of corruption in the Danish Penal Code and in international anti-corruption conventions, and it covers situations involving the taking and giving of bribes as well as other types of active or passive corruption.
Corruption is best known in the form of bribery, fraud, embezzlement or extortion. However, corruption does not exclusively involve money changing hands; it may also include providing services to gain advantages, such as favorable treatment, special protection, extra services or quicker case processing.

What is financial crime?
Financial crime is commonly considered as covering the following offences: fraud, electronic crime, money laundering, terrorist financing, bribery and corruption.

Financial ethical code of conduct
All staff of Dansani and its subsidiaries will respect and promote the principles of the Code of Conduct presented below.
- Conflict of Interest. We will avoid any conflict – real or potential – between our personal interests and the interests of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- We will not give or accept bribery in any form.
- We will not for private purposes seek to influence any person or body by using our official position or by using force or threats.
- We will not use deception, trickery or breach of confidence to gain an unfair or dishonest advantage.
- We will not misappropriate or otherwise divert property or funds entrusted to us.
- We will not give, solicit or receive directly or indirectly any gift or other favour that may influence the exercise of our function, performance of duty or judgement. This does not include conventional hospitality or minor gifts
- Nepotism and favoritism. We will not favour friends, family or other close personal relations in recruitment, procurement, aid delivery, consular services or other situations.
- Money laundry. We will maintain strict controls and procedures for identifying and verifying customers to protect ourselves from financial crime and money laundry.
- Information and transparency. We will ensure all employees are familiar with this policy